OWN Executive Meet and Greet; Summer 2015Jul 27, 2015Most of OWN’s new Executive Team came together tonight after work to start planning a fantastic year for OWN women over dinner and drinks at Cibo Wine Bar! We cannot wait to see what is in store for 2015-2016!CHEERS TO OWN!
Most of OWN’s new Executive Team came together tonight after work to start planning a fantastic year for OWN women over dinner and drinks at Cibo Wine Bar! We cannot wait to see what is in store for 2015-2016!CHEERS TO OWN!
CIBC Run For The Cure 2015: A Note From OWN’s President and Vice PresidentOSGOODE WOMEN’S NETWORK RAN FOR THE CURE AND RAISED $3,760!!!! On behalf of the entire OWN Executive, we would like to extend a HUGE...