On this coming Monday, October 19th, OWN will be holding our annual Career Panel in Room #1002, from 12:30 to 2:30 pm. This event presents an exciting opportunity to meet some incredible female legal professionals, coming from diverse fields, and to engage in some very interesting dialogue. Don’t miss the unique chance to hear these distinguished women in law speak about their experiences in the legal profession, as well as a chance to network, meet other Osgoode students, and gain insight into your future legal careers. This year’s amazing panelists are:
Tanya Bowes – Lawyer, Advisor and Administrator
Deepa Jacob – Ministry of Government and Consumer Services
Lisa Winston – Sole Practitioner
Rebecca Wise – Torys
We hope to see you there!
The OWN Bake Sale 2015 is approaching! Come check it out on Monday, October 26th, from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm in Gowlings Hall and grab some amazing sweets!