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CIBC Run For The Cure 2015: A Note From OWN’s President and Vice President


On behalf of the entire OWN Executive, we would like to extend a HUGE thank you to everyone who participated in some way, shape or form with this year’s CIBC Run for the Cure 2015. As a student club, we were able to raise $3,760, which surpasses last year’s fundraising efforts by over $1,000! Furthermore, it is not just what you give, but how you give – our team showed up bright and early on Sunday morning this past weekend to show their pride and support in helping find a cure for Breast Cancer in Canada. Our entire team as well as all those who have helped us raise funds, be it colleagues, family, friends and peers took the time out of their demanding schedules to assist us in this community initiative. $317 was raised from the jars we passed around to the first year classes alone! Across Canada, the Run for the Cure raised an estimated $21.5 million, bringing us that much closer to finding a cure. So, once again, thank you to everyone who participated! It is so important to give back to our community, and we at OWN were proud and excited to once again support the CIBC Run for the Cure. We were lucky to have had amazing weather on the day of the run, and between our runners and walkers, the OWN team was out in full force and had an amazing morning! Our next big community initiative will be our clothing drive during the week of October 26th. During the clothing drive, we will be collecting gently-used professional clothing for the organization, Dress for Success.

We have partnered with Goodmans LLP who is helping to coordinate the event and recruit other firms. So far, a number of firms, have generously agreed to make donations, including: Goodmans, Fasken Martineau, Davies, BLG, Bennett Jones, Stikeman Elliot and Cassels Brock. We hope that the Osgoode staff, faculty and student body will also help out as well by bringing in their previously owned professional attire during the week of October 26th! We will have a clothing donation box situated outside of the admissions office (across from the library doors) during that week. We will also be holding a separate bake sale fundraiser for OWN to be held on Monday, October 26th where we will keep the clothing donation box on that specific day beside the bake sale booth, which will be situated in Gowlings Hall. Thank you again for helping us in our drive towards maintaining and increasing our commitment to community initiatives.

With gratitude,

Kortney Shapiro, President, Brittany Greenberg, Vice President & your OWN Executive


©2024 by Osgoode Women's Network

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